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We're gathering those who are ready practice Zen meditation, everyday for a month. While working remotely, surrounded by nature.

Join a tribe of conscious entrepreneurial people, by surf-beach of West Portugal. Do a guided Zen session each morning together. Then get coworking – with fast wifi and deskspace. Finish by heading for  a communal dinner, having deep conversations by a bonfire or surfing under the sunset.

This is not a retreat or a hackathon .... this is an experiment in creating a more innately fulfilling way of life.


Zen Colive

15 Oct – 12 Nov

in collaboration with The Psychedelic Society


You'll have daily guided sessions Mon - Fri, an hour and a half each morning. Allowing you to integrate Zen into your daily life over the month. Outside of that, you'll have plenty of time to work online, cook together, exchange skills, chill by the pool, whatever.

week one

Orient Toward Awakening

  • Introduce principles from core Zen text “Riding the Ox home”

  • Shifting from conditioned behaviors, to a life grounded in presence

  • Work as sacred activity

week four

Zen As A Way Of Life

  • Presence through compassion meditations

  • Actualising the fruits of our realisations through real world action

  • Creativity as a method of self exploration

week two

Deepen Your Foundation

  • Zen mindset, and the dynamic method of koans

  • Practices to bring us into the present moment, suddenly

  • Dimensions of our personal relationships

week three

Entering Inner Freedom

  • Meditations to access states of complete freedom

  • Integrating altered states into daily life effectively

  • The power of Zen rituals

The Journey

subject to change

Your facilitators

Fusan Ryushin – Sensei

Fusan Ryushin is a Zen priest in the tradition of Soto Zen Buddhism, and a dharma heir of the late John Daido Loori, Roshi. Ryushin was the abbot (leader) of Zen Mountain Monastery for 6 years too, and has been practicing Bhuddism since 1983.


Along with decades of Zen experience, he is a trained psychiatrist, and prominent speaker. He also has been recently spending a lot of time exploring the intersection between Zen and psychedelics, curating ayahuasca ceremonies in Brazil amongst shamans.


He's excited to bring Zen into our lives over the month.

Anna Friberg

– community manager, Innate

Anna has been running communities for years now; online and in person. Swedish-Italian, she has also lived in over ten countries as the's lived the digital nomad lifestyle. Combining her love for Muai Thai and philosophy with meeting amazing people and building wonderful tribes. 

She will be facilitating the community during the month; ensuring that the vibe is exuberant.

Harry Verma

– founder, Innate

Harry has over six years of creating colivings that bring entrepeneurial people together from around the world, to live together – with over 500 attendees and 9 programs run. His focus is on selecting the right people, facilitating the community and ensuring we co-create something special together.

By Peniche, Portugal

We'll be in the west of Portugal. Near the famous surf-coast of Penice. With beautiful beaches, green fields & chill towns. This is an ideal place to reconnect to the nature.

the price: €2400

early bird. normally €2600. which includes:

✔ your double bedroom en-suite for a month

✔ Five hour-and-a-half Zen meditation sessions per week

✔ a half-day Zen retreat each weekend

✔ a beginning and ending ceremony

✔ accommodation (inc. lounges, kitchens, pools, volleyball court, yoga shala, outdoor areas, etc)

✔ full-time community facilitators & Zen teacher

✔ cowork areas with desks & fast wifi

✔ 25 handpicked people from across the world

We have a selection process to ensure the right match. This involves a quick application & then a chat.


You'll stay in your own double-room en-suite.

Within 5 large villas that all have kitchens & lounges; clustered around our cowork area, a yoga shala, volleyball court, pools, and more

for the
Practical Idealists

Founders, community builders, freelancers, technologists, creatives, remote workers and more... we select creators who are also warm-hearted & inwardly curious.