Like so many others, I found myself disillusioned by the state of society ... where we live disconnected from each other, ourselves and the natural world. In societies obsessed with consumption, speed and individual success.
So, how can we create a better way of life?
One where we can explore inwards, experience nature, find community – and feel alive. But where we can also take bold action together. To shape the world around us for the better.
I founded Innate to gather the creators of this new way of life.
We create experiences that bring connection back into our lives. To our Self, others & nature ... while still thriving in modern society.
– Harry
Founding Story

Our Vision
To become a second home; for those who live between the worlds of inner connection & outer creation.
Through themed colives and retreats around the world. Flows that we practice in between. A community of embodied teachers and inspiring people. And eventually our own campus.
Themed Colives
Can we experience nature, community & presence; while still being active in modern life?
The combination of having an embodied teacher; living by forests, beaches, mountains; a cowork space; and selecting kind people ... seems to unlock profound transformations in people.
status: underway, flying!
Can we refine a journey that allows you to experience your innate being?
Seven days to invite you to release all of your mind's stories ... and truly enter the present moment. We'll use meditation, breathwork, yoga, philosophy, clean eating, being in nature, and deep silence. Constantly optimising the journey we offer.
status: newly launched

Can we create practices that take us into specific states of being?
Turning the daily meditative practice into an adventure. Using different methods, co-created by varied teachers. To bring people closer to the present moment everyday.
status: under construction

Can we offer a supportive, lively and practical community platform for our people?
Annual membership is how we've started; with a core founding group coming from our initial colives. Now it's about how we can empower our growing community. We have a lot of ideas, so focus will be key : )
status: newly launched

The Campus
Can we build a space that modern seekers & embodied teachers gather at?
Surrounded by nature, with rivers or the ocean nearby. A yin space for yoga and meditation; and a yang space for martial arts and workouts. An outdoor deck to dance on at sunsets, and common spaces and chill and play in. A large cowork space. And of course, varied living spaces; for long stays, short stays and volunteers.