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Harry Verma
Aug 16, 20231 min read
Where We'll Be: Our South Portugal Campus
Our home will be modern & spacious; with lots of green space, close to the beach... In creating the ideal space for a new way of life,...

Harry Verma
Apr 10, 20234 min read
Lessons From A Year Of Running Innate
It's officially been a year now, since Innate launched. (sings 'happy birthday' in Alan Watts' voice, while waving palo-santo around...

Harry Verma
Nov 2, 20223 min read
Why A Yoga Themed Colive?
Ahhh yoga ... the downward dogging, the Sanskrit chants, the endless stream of new variants ('goat yoga' exists. yes, really). With it's...

Harry Verma
Jul 23, 20223 min read
The Innate Meditation Journey
"In a world full of noise, screens & distraction ... it is the uncluttered mind that thrives The Mental Version of 'Eating Your Daily...

Innate Editorial Team
Jul 19, 20224 min read
Romantic Vs Community Love?
The Ancient Greeks had 7 distinct words for love: Eros - Romantic love. Philia - Friendship love. Erotoropia - Flirtatious love, they...

Harry Verma
Jul 18, 20222 min read
Burnouts And The Communal Cure
Rather than trying to fix the rising tide of burnouts, could we take on the cause of those burnouts instead?
I'm talking about our way...

Harry Verma
Jul 6, 20225 min read
What Is Coliving & What Are Your Options?
You can work remotely, meaning you can work from… well, anywhere (hello beach life!) So off you go, traveling the world when the whim...

Harry Verma
Jun 27, 20223 min read
The Five Best Coliving Spaces in Europe
written by Casey Louw, edited by Harry Verma So... you can work remotely. Nice(!) That doesn't just mean you can work from "anywhere" ......

Harry Verma
Mar 30, 20222 min read
Where We'll Be: Our North Portugal Campus
Our home will be primal yet modern; connected to nature & connected to wifi... In creating the ideal space for a new way of life, between...

Harry Verma
Mar 30, 20222 min read
Why We Chose Breathwork
If we went deep into our selves through intense guided breathwork, everyday for a month ... how does that impact our work? How does that...

Harry Verma
Mar 25, 20224 min read
How Do We Bring Communities Back?
Communities are vital. They’re more important than anything else for a long life, and for a fulfilling life. So how do we get more of it?

Harry Verma
Mar 21, 20223 min read
Starting Your Own Thing — The Philosophy Of “Fuck It”
Let’s talk about starting your own thing. Whether it’s a personal brand, startup, or even making an unconventional career path… There’s...

Harry Verma
Mar 16, 20224 min read
Escaping the corporate world; what are your options?
So, corporate jobs eh?
There’s always a seminal moment when you realise the corporate life wasn’t all it was cracked up to be...
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